"Happy Gilmore 2" is an upcoming American sports comedy film directed by Kyle Newacheck, and written by Tim Herlihy and Adam Sandler. It is a sequel to "Happy Gilmore" (1996). Sandler, Christopher McDonald, Julie Bowen, Dennis Dugan, Allen Covert, and Ben Stiller reprise their roles from the original film. The film is scheduled for a 2025 release on Netflix.
Maxwell Jacob Friedman, Scott Mescudi, Bad Bunny, Margaret Qualley, Benny Safdie, and Nick Swardson have been cast in undisclosed roles.
Professional golfers Keegan Bradley, John Daly, Rickie Fowler, Collin Morikawa, Jack Nicklaus, Corey Pavin, Xander Schauffele, Jordan Spieth, and Lee Trevino (who also appeared in the first film), are set to make cameo appearances.
Other confirmed cameos include rapper Eminem, football player Travis Kelce, and talk show host Dan Patrick.
Shefik worked on "Happy Gilmore 2", portraying the role of Golf Spectator.
- Director: Kyle Newacheck
- Golf Spectator: Shefik
Last Updated: December 26, 2024