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Filtered Tags: Diana YK Chan


There are 3 total certifications in this view.

Marketing Yourself to Maximize Career Opportunities

July 17, 2024 Continuing Education

In this course, Diana Chan outlines best practices for improving career prospects by marketing yourself well. She details the biggest networking mistakes professionals make. This course was created by Pete Mockaitis of "How to Be Awesome at Your Job".

Skills: Professional Networking · Personal Branding

Tags: Best Qualifications · Interviewer · Branding · How to Be Awesome at Your Job · Pete Mockaitis · Diana YK Chan · Networking · Career Growth · Careers · Growth


Nano Tips for Finding Career Clarity with Diana YK Chan

September 16, 2024 Continuing Education

In this course, Diana YK Chan shares tips on how to evaluate your values, passions, and goals to develop a clear vision of your ideal career. By having a clear and defined career vision, you focus your efforts and make informed decisions.

Skills: Career Management · Career Path Planning

Tags: Nano Tips · Job Search · Defined · Clear Definition · Clear Vision · Diana YK Chan · Internal Roles · Job Market · Focus · Significant


Nano Tips for Presenting with Confidence with Diana YK Chan

September 15, 2024 Continuing Education

Diana YK Chan, executive career and confidence coach, walks you through how to give presentations with confidence. Diana explains how to calm your nerves, and nail your presentation. She emphasizes ways to focus on and interact with your audience.

Skills: Presentation Skills

Tags: Nano Tips · Communicate Effectively · Confidence · Diana YK Chan · Audience Engagement · Audience · Focus · Organize Your Thoughts · Organized · Communicate


There are 3 total certifications in this view.

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